Aprenda las 5 habilidades de fútbol/fútbol más importantes y básicas. Video de juego de pies: Entrenamiento de regate: SUSCRÍBETE: Traducción y subtitulado al español: Fernando – ferssch3@outlook.com ¡Síguenos en Facebook!: ¡E Instagram!: @all_attack Correo electrónico comercial: team@all-attack.com Música: Aeden & Joellé – I Feel Loco [NCS Release]
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I haven't really been interested in football in like 1st-4th grade
But now I'm starting to begin playing football
Thanks for the tips
That’s not football that soccer football is a orange thing. Soccer is a white thing.
Omg I can't believe I watched this l🫨
i fw this heavy
Man these video helped me. I wasn't interested at football when i was 11 and i liked football when i was 13, i feel like i started late and i really sick, thanks to these guy he helped me
Anyone in 2024
Bro u saving my Life
I am not a beginner but I want to say that your videos will help people to play football better and create their future
Thanks bro 😊
1.shoot away from the goalkeeper, into the corner of the goals
-The best way to do that is to use the inside of you foot to shoot
2.when you get a penalty kick, shoot the ball when u r further from the goalkeeper
3.when dribbling with the ball use the top outside edge of your foot
4.when you are guarded by multiple people kick the ball back turn around & go in the other direction
Ronaldo or Messy?
Thanks for this video I wanna try playing soccer next year this is probably gonna help me a lot
Thank you
Anyone playing for their school ⚽️ 👇
Writing here so I remember to watch this
Can I become a pro footballer even as a beginner and 23 of age can I achieve it
Just a random Sunday night.And we decided that I wanted to try soccer even though i've never played soccer for school in my hole entire life
jab dosre youtuber video dalte hai to unki video trending jaati hai lekin jab dhruv raathee video dalte hai to sarkar tension me aa jaati hai
Am i the only one learning because of a football obsessed sibling? 😭
Thanks for the training
It is soccer DUH⚽️
Great tips! I’m learning with my 8 year old son and this video was so helpful! Now time to use all of these tips lol
in my intramurals i had trouble passing and getting the ball as the defender so this is really helpful if i become a attacker or a defender 😀
i have a competition i need to practice
I started playing when i was ten but i broke my foot back then stopped ive got football now since 1 week its like playing for first time right now i know how to pass,3 skills but lacking in dribbling but hopefully i can like dribble again i practice everyday for 2 hours hopefully in fututre im a pro
Girl power❤❤
Main problem, I have no friend 🙂🙂
Excellent 👌
Please make me a pro